FROM library/alpine:latest RUN apk –update add rsync openssh bash VOLUME [“/data”] ADD start.sh / CMD [“/bin/bash”,”/start.sh”]在start.sh中用crontab 加载定时任务run.cron,然后启动crond:
/usr/bin/crontab /run.cron
docker build Dockerfile后,采用docker run –name xxx -d 运行容器,发现start.sh执行后容器就退出了,根本无法启动定时任务,网上各种办法有说用nohup,有死循环,还有说用信号,发现都不靠谱。
因此,在start.sh中,crond 应强制采用前台运行:crond -f。
这样start.sh就不会退出, docker run -d 运行时就可以保持容器后台运行。
(1)容器中运行多个守护进程时,前面的进程要用后台方式运行(或添加 &),否则后面的服务无法启动
FROM ubuntu:latest RUN mkdir -p “/usr/src/pdas” mkdir -p “/usr/src/pdas/reload” COPY bin.tar /usr/src/pdas COPY config.tar /usr/src/pdas COPY lib.tar /usr/src/pdas WORKDIR /usr/src/pdas RUN tar -xvf lib.tar && tar -xvf bin.tar && tar -xvf config.tar ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/src/pdas/lib/libxml/lib:/usr/src/pdas/lib/curl/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH WORKDIR /usr/src/pdas/bin RUN chmod +x start.sh && chmod +x f_recv && chmod +x f_send VOLUME /behb/diqu VOLUME /var/log/pdas ENTRYPOINT ./start.sh其中 ./start.sh脚本如下
#!/bin/bash ./f_recv & ./f_send以上是docker镜像启动脚本的一点心得。
#!/bin/bash # Start the first process nohup python -u /tmp/thread1.py > /tmp/thread1.log 2>&1 & ps aux |grep thread1 |grep -q -v grep PROCESS_1_STATUS=$? echo “thread1 status…” echo $PROCESS_1_STATUS if [ $PROCESS_1_STATUS -ne 0 ]; then echo “Failed to start my_first_process: $PROCESS_2_STATUS” exit $PROCESS_1_STATUS fi sleep 5 # Start the second process nohup python -u /tmp/thread2.py > /tmp/thread2.log 2>&1 & ps aux |grep thread2 |grep -q -v grep PROCESS_2_STATUS=$? echo “thread2 status…” echo $PROCESS_2_STATUS if [ $PROCESS_2_STATUS -ne 0 ]; then echo “Failed to start my_second_process: $PROCESS_2_STATUS” exit $PROCESS_2_STATUS fi # 每隔60秒检查进程是否运行 while sleep 60; do ps aux |grep thread1 |grep -q -v grep PROCESS_1_STATUS=$? ps aux |grep thread2 |grep -q -v grep PROCESS_2_STATUS=$? # If the greps above find anything, they exit with 0 status # If they are not both 0, then something is wrong if [ $PROCESS_1_STATUS -ne 0 -o $PROCESS_2_STATUS -ne 0 ]; then echo “One of the processes has already exited.” exit 1 fi下一步制作Dockerfile:
FROM centos:latest COPY thread1.py /tmp/thread1.py COPY thread2.py /tmp/thread2.py COPY multiple_thread.sh /tmp/multiple_thread.sh CMD bash /tmp/multiple_thread.sh以上这篇docker容器内要启动两个进程时Dockerfile的实现代码就是小编分享给大家的全部内容了,希望能给大家一个参考,也希望大家多多支持。