目前arm系统越来越常见,对镜像的多架构需求也越来越大。对于同一个镜像,最简单的办法就是在amd64或arm机器上build后通过不同的tag进行区分,比如 nginx:v1-amd64 、 nginx:v1-arm64 ,但这种方式比较丑陋,而且没有对应架构的机器用来构建怎么办?
目前最新的办法就是使用buildx来进行构建,不过这个特性目前默认是没启用的,需要在docker的配置文件中添加 “experimental”: true 后重启docker服务生效。
docker run –rm –privileged tonistiigi/binfmt:latest –install all然后创建一个新的build实例:
docker buildx create –use –name=mybuilder-cn –driver docker-container –driver-opt image=dockerpracticesig/buildkit:master这样准备工作就全都做好了。
# Build the manager binary FROM –platform=$TARGETPLATFORM golang:1.16 as builder ARG TARGETOS TARGETARCH WORKDIR /workspace # Copy the Go Modules manifests COPY go.mod go.mod COPY go.sum go.sum # cache deps before building and copying source so that we dont need to re-download as much # and so that source changes dont invalidate our downloaded layer RUN go mod download # Copy the go source COPY main.go main.go COPY api/ api/ COPY controllers/ controllers/ # Build RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=${TARGETOS} GOARCH=${TARGETARCH} go build -a -o manager main.go # Use distroless as minimal base image to package the manager binary # Refer to https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/distroless for more details FROM –platform=$TARGETPLATFORM gcr.io/distroless/static:nonroot WORKDIR / COPY –from=builder /workspace/manager . USER 65532:65532 ENTRYPOINT [“/manager”]修改点有2个:
docker buildx build -t hello/namespace/name:v1 -f Dockerfile . –platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 –push注意这里的 buildx 、 –platform 参数后面跟随需要构建的版本、以及 –push ,buildx构建的多架构镜像要么使用这个参数push到镜像仓库,要么使用 –load 加载到本地,不可省略。
构建完成后就会生成相应的多架构镜像了,可以使用 docker manifest inspect 来进行验证,比如:
docker manifest inspect hello/namespace/name:v1 { “schemaVersion”: 2, “mediaType”: “application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json”, “manifests”: [ { “mediaType”: “application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json”, “size”: 1367, “digest”: “sha256:a7b99854e13939e3beaf21c1da8b4654022018eda9f438155b18ae16eeff49a5”, “platform”: { “architecture”: “amd64”, “os”: “linux” } }, { “mediaType”: “application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json”, “size”: 2169, “digest”: “sha256:844885928813685ffa8c5ea4c6e9e7a09d95ac79e417afae0be7b73086762cfd”, “platform”: { “architecture”: “arm64”, “os”: “linux” } } ] }可以看出确实是生成了多个架构的镜像,使用时直接在不同架构的机器上pull就会自动下载对应的架构镜像了。或者也可以使用 docker pull –platform arm64|amd64 xxxxx 来指定拉取镜像的架构。
# 指定拉取amd64架构 docker pull –platform amd64 gcr.io/distroless/static:nonroot # 重新打tag docker tag 9ef34 hello/ns/static:nonroot-amd64 # 推送 docker push hello/ns/static:nonroot-amd64 # 指定拉取arm64架构 docker pull –platform arm64 gcr.io/distroless/static:nonroot # 重新打tag docker tag 91714 hello/ns/static:nonroot-arm64 # 推送 docker push hello/ns/static:nonroot-arm64 ## 制作manifest docker manifest create hello/ns/static:nonroot hello/ns/static:nonroot-amd64 hello/ns/static:nonroot-arm64 docker manifest push hello/ns/static:nonroot docker manifest rm hello/ns/static:nonroot重点是最后3行,push manifest后使用就和第一种方法一样了。
yum|apt install其他 查看镜像仓库里都有哪些镜像:
curl -u “用户名”:”密码” -X GET http://镜像地址:5000/v2/_catalog?n=2000 | python -m json.tool查看镜像有哪些tag:
curl -u “用户名”:”密码” -X GET http://镜像地址:5000/v2/命名空间/镜像名称/tags/list | python -m json.tool