

使用 helmfile 时,我们首先得了解 helm 的使用,以及如何开发一个 helm chart。helm 是 kubernetes 的包管理工具。在实际的使用场景中我们涉及同时部署多个 chart、区分不同的部署环境、版本控制等需求。基于此需求,可以使用 helmfile 工具。helmfile 通过 helmfile 文件帮助用户管理和维护多个 helm chart,可以来区分环境、实现版本控制。github 链接:helmfile[1]
我们在公有云场景或者私有化场景中,同一个产品可能涉及多套环境的配置,例如:每套环境部署依赖的环境差异、使用的数据库、消息队列中间件等实例的地址、账号密码等都不同。因此针对不同环境我们需要维护开发环境、测试环境、预生产环境、生产环境甚至多套环境的部署文件以及秘钥文件,每个小小的改动将涉及多套环境配置的修改,这给运维人员增加了极大的负担,以及多套环境的配置如何保持统一,也极大的考验运维人员的细致程度,极大的增加了运维的复杂度。同时涉及的数据库中间件实例的账户密码的存放,也给运维流程增加了巨大的安全隐患。基于上面的述求,这里可以将业务部署的各服务文件改造成 helm chart,同时区分多套环境以及版本控制,我们使用 helmfile 来统一部署管理。涉及实例涉及的账户密码,我们可以使用 helm secrets 来实现加密解密,以及来保证运维的安全性,从而极大的减少运维的复杂度。关于 helm secrets 的使用,我们在其他文章进行的详细的介绍。
helmfile 提供了多种安装方式,具体可以参考:helmfile release[2]helmfile 还支持运行在容器中,可以很方便的集成到 CICD 的流程中:
# helm 2 $ docker run –rm –net=host -v “${HOME}/.kube:/root/.kube” -v “${HOME}/.helm:/root/.helm” -v “${PWD}:/wd” –workdir /wd quay.io/roboll/helmfile:v0.135.0 helmfile sync # helm 3 $ docker run –rm –net=host -v “${HOME}/.kube:/root/.kube” -v “${HOME}/.config/helm:/root/.config/helm” -v “${PWD}:/wd” –workdir /wd quay.io/roboll/helmfile:helm3-v0.135.0 helmfile synchelmfile.yaml 介绍
helmfile.yaml 是 helmfile 的核心文件,其用来声明所有的配置。下面会简要介绍一下,具体说明可以参考官方文档:helmfile-configuration[3]
# 声明 repo 配置 repositories: – name: <repo-name> # url: repo url # 可以设置基础配置 或 tls 认证 # certFile: certificate 文件 # keyFile: key 文件 # username: 用户名 # password: 密码 # helm 二进制文件的路径 helmBinary: path/to/helm3 # helm 的一些默认设置,这些配置与 `helm SUBCOMMAND` 相同,可以通过这个配置声明一些,默认的配置 helmDefaults: tillerNamespace: tiller-namespace #dedicated default key for tiller-namespace tillerless: false #dedicated default key for tillerless kubeContext: kube-context #dedicated default key for kube-context (–kube-context) cleanupOnFail: false #dedicated default key for helm flag –cleanup-on-fail # additional and global args passed to helm (default “”) args: – “–set k=v” # verify the chart before upgrading (only works with packaged charts not directories) (default false) verify: true # wait for k8s resources via –wait. (default false) wait: true # time in seconds to wait for any individual Kubernetes operation (like Jobs for hooks, and waits on pod/pvc/svc/deployment readiness) (default 300) timeout: 600 # performs pods restart for the resource if applicable (default false) recreatePods: true # forces resource update through delete/recreate if needed (default false) force: false # when using helm 3.2+, automatically create release namespaces if they do not exist (default true) createNamespace: true … # 为 helmfile 中所有的 release 设置相同的 label,可用于为所有 release 标记相同的版本 commonLabels: hello: world # 设置 release 配置(支持多 release) releases: # 远程 chart 示例(chart 已经上传到 remote 仓库) – name: vault # name of this release namespace: vault # target namespace createNamespace: true # helm 3.2+ automatically create release namespace (default true) labels: # Arbitrary key value pairs for filtering releases foo: bar chart: roboll/vault-secret-manager # the chart being installed to create this release, referenced by `repository/chart` syntax version: ~1.24.1 # the semver of the chart. range constraint is supported condition: vault.enabled # The values lookup key for filtering releases. Corresponds to the boolean value of `vault.enabled`, where `vault` is an arbitrary value missingFileHandler: Warn # set to either “Error” or “Warn”. “Error” instructs helmfile to fail when unable to find a values or secrets file. When “Warn”, it prints the file and continues. # Values files used for rendering the chart values: # Value files passed via –values – vault.yaml # Inline values, passed via a temporary values file and –values, so that it doesnt suffer from type issues like –set – address: https://vault.example.com # Go template available in inline values and values files. – image: # The end result is more or less YAML. So do `quote` to prevent number-like strings from accidentally parsed into numbers! # See https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/issues/608 tag: {{ requiredEnv “IMAGE_TAG” | quote }} # Otherwise: # tag: “{{ requiredEnv “IMAGE_TAG” }}” # tag: !!string {{ requiredEnv “IMAGE_TAG” }} db: username: {{ requiredEnv “DB_USERNAME” }} # value taken from environment variable. Quotes are necessary. Will throw an error if the environment variable is not set. $DB_PASSWORD needs to be set in the calling environment ex: export DB_PASSWORD=password1 password: {{ requiredEnv “DB_PASSWORD” }} proxy: # Interpolate environment variable with a fixed string domain: {{ requiredEnv “PLATFORM_ID” }}.my-domain.com scheme: {{ env “SCHEME” | default “https” }} # Use `values` whenever possible! # `set` translates to helms `–set key=val`, that is known to suffer from type issues like https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/issues/608 set: # single value loaded from a local file, translates to –set-file foo.config=path/to/file – name: foo.config file: path/to/file # set a single array value in an array, translates to –set bar[0]={1,2} – name: bar[0] values: – 1 – 2 # set a templated value – name: namespace value: {{ .Namespace }} # will attempt to decrypt it using helm-secrets plugin # 本地 chart 示例(chart 保存在本地) – name: grafana # name of this release namespace: another # target namespace chart: ../my-charts/grafana # the chart being installed to create this release, referenced by relative path to local helmfile values: – “../../my-values/grafana/values.yaml” # Values file (relative path to manifest) – ./values/{{ requiredEnv “PLATFORM_ENV” }}/config.yaml # Values file taken from path with environment variable. $PLATFORM_ENV must be set in the calling environment. wait: true # 可以嵌套其他的 helmfiles,支持从本地和远程拉取 helmfile helmfiles: – path: path/to/subhelmfile.yaml # label 选择器可以过滤需要覆盖的 release selectors: – name=prometheus # 覆盖 value values: # 使用文件覆盖 – additional.values.yaml # 覆盖单独的 key – key1: val1 – # 远程拉取配置 path: git::https://github.com/cloudposse/helmfiles.git@releases/kiam.yaml?ref=0.40.0 # 如果指向不存在路径,则打印告警错误 missingFileHandler: Error # 多环境管理 environments: # 当没有设置 `–environment NAME` 时,使用 default default: values: # 内容可以是文件路径或者 key:value – environments/default/values.yaml – myChartVer: 1.0.0-dev # “production” 环境,当设置了 `helmfile –environment production sync` 时 production: values: – environment/production/values.yaml – myChartVer: 1.0.0 # disable vault release processing – vault: enabled: false ## `secrets.yaml` is decrypted by `helm-secrets` and available via `{{ .Environment.Values.KEY }}` secrets: – environment/production/secrets.yaml # 当占不到 `environments.NAME.values` 时,可以设置为 “Error”, “Warn”, “Info”, “Debug”,默认是 “Error” missingFileHandler: Error # 分层管理,可以将所有文件合并,顺序为:environments.yaml < – defaults.yaml < – templates.yaml < – helmfile.yaml bases: – environments.yaml – defaults.yaml – templates.yaml # API 功能 apiVersions: – example/v1helmfile 调试
这里,编排好相关的 helmfile 后,我们可以使用下面的命令进行调试
# 查看目录结构 $ ls README.org environments helm helmfile helmfile.yaml releases # 查看helmfile.yaml $ cat helmfile.yaml environments: # 不指定环境时,默认使用默认测试环境 default: values: – environments/test/config.yaml – environments/test/versions.yaml – environments/test//namespaces.yaml secrets: – environments/test/secrets.yaml test: values: – environments/test/config.yaml – environments/test/versions.yaml – environments/test/namespaces.yaml secrets: – environments/test/secrets.yaml helmDefaults: createNamespace: true releases: – name: password-secrets kubeContext: {{ .Values.kubeContext.service }} namespace: {{ .Values.namespaces.service }} chart: helm/charts/secrets values: – releases/secrets.yaml.gotmpl labels: app: secrets – name: web kubeContext: {{ .Values.kubeContext.business }} namespace: {{ .Values.namespaces.business }} chart: helm/charts/web values: – releases/web.yaml.gotmpl labels: app: web # helmfile调试 $ helmfile -e test template安装 chart
helmfile -e test synchelmfile 更新或者删除某个 chart
这里可以通过–selector指定 label 来进行更新或者删除:
# 更新web服务 helmfile -e test –selector app=web sync # 删除web服务 helmfile -e test –selector app=web delete查看变更
# 查看文件的变更信息 helmfile -e test –selector app=web diff # 只查看文件的变更部分信息 helmfile -e test –selector app=web diff –context 4资料参考
[1]helmfile: https://github.com/roboll/helmfile
[2]helmfile release: https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/releases
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以上就是helmfile声明式部署Helm Chart使用详解的详细内容,更多关于helmfile部署Helm Chart的资料请关注其它相关文章!